Please use this form to report any actual, suspected or anticipated wrongdoing within or by Zapti.

Wrongdoing means any conduct that is dishonest, fraudulent, corrupt, or illegal. This could include breaches of state or federal legislation, unethical behaviours, criminal damage to property, inappropriate use of Zaptiresources, causing financial loss to Zapti, damage to Zapti’s reputation, or concealment of wrongdoing.

Under the law, whistleblowers are given particular legal rights and protections. If you make a report of alleged or suspected wrongdoing under the Whistleblower Policy, Zapti will endeavour to protect your identity from disclosure.

Please refer to Zapti’s Whistleblower Policy for more information.

If you do not wish to provide your name or other details, we will investigate your submission to the best of our ability with the information provided but will be limited to the information you provide.

Please provide as much information as you are comfortable sharing.